今天素材天下给大家分享的这款3D模型资源名称为:2020年日本东京科幻概念城市楼房3D场景模型,内容与东京3D,城市3D,科幻城市3D,楼房3D,科幻3D,3DMAX,MAX,3D模型相关,文件大小为177 MB,模型文件格式为MAX。
Create skyscrapers and mega-structures that tower over civilization and echo the philosophies of future generations focused on maximum space and energy efficiency. Whether you’re designing for film or video games, anime or manga, this kit will take you into the not-so-distant future of a 2020 Japan Olympics or far beyond your wildest imaginations with a vertical city mimicking organic biological growth as it extends further and further towards the sky.
如果觉得今天的分享对您的创作有帮助,欢迎把素材天下 www.61339.com 推荐给更多的朋友!